2021年の最初を飾るのは、昨年末に出された、アマゾン創業者、ジェフ・ベゾスの『Invent & Wander』。
副題に、The Collected Writings of JEFF BEZOSとあるように、ジェフ・ベゾスが過去に書いた文章(多くは株主への手紙)を集め、この稀代の起業家が成功した要因と、その哲学をあぶり出そうとするもの。
これをアイザックソンの言葉で言うと、obsessively curiousです。
obsessivelyを訳すと「異常なほど」となりますが、obsessはもともと、「取り憑かれる」という意味ですから、obsessively curiousは、「取り憑かれたように好奇心旺盛」ということになるでしょう。
そう、アイザックソンが言うように、偉大な人物になるためには、Curiosity is more important than knowledge.(好奇心は知識よりも重要)なのです。
1.Focus on the long term.(長期的視点)
2.Focus relentlessly and passionately on the customer.(執拗かつ熱烈な顧客志向)
3.Avoid PowerPoint slide presentations.(パワーポイントによるプレゼンを避けること=ストーリー重視)
4.Focus on the big decisions.(重要な決断にフォーカスすること)
5.Hire the right people.(正しい人々を雇うこと)
ベゾス自身の言葉を集めたパートは、Part1 The Shareholder Letters(株主への手紙)と、Part2 Life &Work(人生と仕事)に分かれており、Part1は、1997年から2019年までの株主への手紙、Part2は、それ以外のジェフ・ベゾスの言葉を集めています。
わが子を天才に育てたい親御さん、人生を豊かにしたい読者にとっては、Part2 Life & Workが参考になるでしょう。
We believe that a fundamental measure of our success will be the shareholder value we create over the long term.This value will be a direct result of our ability to extend
and solidify our current market leadership position.
When forced to choose between optimizing the appearance of our GAAP accounting and maximizing the present value of future cash flows, we’ll take the cash flows.
It’s not easy to work her (when I interview people I tell them, “you can work long, hard, or smart, but at Amazon.com you can’t choose two out of three”)but we are working to build something important, something that matters to our customers, something that we can all tell our grandchildren about.
During our hiring meetings, we ask people to consider three questions before making a decision: Will you admire this person? Will this person raise the average level of effectiveness of the group they’re entering? Along what dimension might this person be a superstar?
So, if the company is better positioned today than it was a year ago, why is the stock price so much lower than it was a year ago? As the famed investor Benjamin Graham said,i n the short term, the stock market is a voting machine; in the long term, it’s a weighing machine. Clearly there was a lot of voting going on in the boom year of ’99– and much less weighing. We’re a company that wants to be weighed, and over time, we will be–over the long term, all companies are. In the meantime, we have our
heads down working to build a heavier and heavier company.
Long-term thinking is both a requirement and outcome of true ownership.
We humans coevolve with our tools, We change our tools, and then our tools change us.
Invention comes in many forms and at many scales. The most radical and transformative of inventions are often those that empower others to unleash their creativity–to pursue their dreams
A DREAMY BUSINESS OFFERING has at least four characteristics, Customers love it, it can grow to very large size, it has strong returns on capital, and it’s durable in time–with the potential to endure for decades. When you find one of these, don’t just swipe right, get married.
There are many ways to center a business. You can be competitor
focused, you can be product
focused, you can be technology
focused, you can be business model focused, and there are more. But in my view, obsessive customer focus is by far the most productive Day 1 vitality.
Staying in Day 1 requires you to experiment patiently, accept failures, plant seeds, protect saplings, and double down when you see customer delight. A customer-obsessed culture best creates the conditions where all of that can happen.
Wandering is an essential counterbalance to efficiency.You need to employ both, The outsized discoveries–that “nonlinear” ones–are highly likely to require wandering.
Failure Needs to Scale Too
It’s not easy to do hard things well, but that’s how you earn trust.
『Invent & Wander』
Walter Isaacson、Jeff Bezos・著
Harvard Business Review Press
Introduction by Walter Isaacson
Part1 The Shareholder Letters
Part2 Life & Work